A few pricing scenarios to exemplify how we do it...

Fossil-fuel-free & kindered spirit:

A single person pedaling their bike across the country, spends 2 whole weeks with us in the Loft.

$75 (1st night) -$10 (no Fossil Fuels getting to B/D area) -$5 (no F-F getting to our home) -$5 (no drive on driveway)
$50 (2nd nt) -$5 (F-F) -$5 (dw)
$46 (3rd nt) -$5 " -$5 "
$43 (4th) -$10 (etc)
$41 (5th) -$10
$40 (6th) -$10
$30 (7th)
... ... ...
$30 (14th)
$465 for their entire stay
(amounting to $33.21/nt)

Somewhere in the middle:

A single person takes the train to Denver, takes a bus from there to Boulder, where we scoop them up with an electric tandem bicycle and cargo trailer. They rent a bicycle for a couple of days, and spend 3 nights in total, in a Bedroom.

$75 (1st night) -$5 (bus/train discount) -$5 (driveway) +$5 (bedroom)
$50 (2nd nt) -$5 (no drivin') -$5 (no driveway) +$5 (bedroom) +$2.50 (bike rental)
$46 (3rd nt) -$5 (" ") -$5 (" ") +$5 (") +$2.50 (")
$181 for their stay
(amounting to $60.33/nt)

At the high end:

A couple flys to Denver, rents a car, drives to our home, drives up the driveway, and spends just one night. They also make an extra excursion into town by car that evening. They opted for a Bedroom (-vs- Loft). And they made their booking through AirBnB. Oh... and, they invite their friend over (who lives here in Boulder) to visit ... their friend drives, and up the driveway too. {Sheesh!}

$75 (1st night) +$10 (extra person / nt) +$5 (extra drive) +$5 (extra driveway use) +$5 (bedroom) ==== $100
+3% (booking through Air') ==== $103
+$5 (friend drives over) +$5 (...and up the driveway)
$113.00 for their short stay
(amounting to $113.00/nt)

But they're totally happy because that's still less than any motel in Boulder, and the view from the deck is waaay worth it.