a 'tube vid...

Lot's of photos here

'Seeking a seriously eco-conscious individual or two to share a very unique home & lifestyle.

Hello, i'm Karl, a sustainability-geek, as well as an IT-guy, working a 1/2-time gig with the University since June of '18. 'Been around Boulder for a long while. You can snoop my website here to learn more about what i'm into, if you like.

While technically not "off-the-grid", folks seem to often describe the place that way, and it does have similar characteristics. We're located in a beautiful, peaceful, sunward-facing canyon setting off the base of Lee Hill Dr. in NW Boulder, barely into the foothills. The house employs passive and active solar thermal. A grid-tied solar PV-electric system (w/ battery backup) produces a net surplus to the grid. 'Rooftop water harvesting system (no water well!). Composting toilet. And a greywater recycling system. It's a partial strawbale structure. Sleeping loft for guests. Spacious deck area. Wonderful view. Multi-species bird coop, terraced garden beds, and a solarium/greenhouse is in the works, all employing permaculture practices. Broadband Internet with WiFi. 'Limited storage space.

The domicile tends to be warm & comfortable in the Winter, rather than cold &/or exorbitantly expensive to heat like you can probably otherwise expect elsewhere. Likewise, tends to be cool & comfortable in the Summer, working it with mostly "semi-passive AC".

'Somewhat preferring car-free soul(s) since routine motoring (i prefer the term, "ICEing") is clearly unsustainable and your car-free status would unambiguously indicate your commitment, which may otherwise be difficult to gauge. If it's your routine to drive everywhere you go now, it likely won't work ...truly. However, realize that we're located a bit off the beaten path, so you may well want a vehicle for occasional use. Sometimes weather throws us a curve, etc..
'Looking for exemplary people, who recognize the urgency of the Climate Crisis, and who take meaningful personal action. If that's not you, that's very unfortunate. This planet's pretty much going to bake to a cinder if we can't get most everybody on-board. Suffice it to say, this is very important to me, and it dictates more than anything else, who i share my home with (or not).
Bicycling seems to be the best method to get around without fossilized fuel, and an e-bike makes it a cinch. I'm way into e-bikes myself, and enjoy helping others get set-up that way.
While "hoofing it" is certainly possible, it's probably not practical as a matter of routine, though i enjoy a hoof into North Boulder myself every so often. It's 1.75 miles to the northern terminus of the Skip & 204 bus routes (at Lee Hill & Broadway).
Perhaps if you're able to work from home, without frequently needing to drive, that'd be workable (though ~boring for you, me thinks).

Running with at most 3 humans in this domicile is most prudent given the space available and other constraints.
Gender balance is regarded as important, thusly biased to find a woman first to establish the balance, and then it doesn't so much matter thereafter... 'do seem to otherwise get more inquiries from guys.
Maturity is a fundamental requirement.

Pets?... probably not, as it complicates things. 'Extra rent, deposit, cleaning, etc...
There are chickens & ducks ('in it for the eggs) here that are generally protected within their own fenced-off enclosure & coop, but your critter would need to treat them as family when they're roaming.
And then, there are other, bigger, hungrier critters lurking around here that might make short work of your critter... free-ranging is not possible. With the birds, i have to chaperone, and even at that, there've been loses.
If you had an intelligent canine, that doesn't bark, and doesn't shed (much ... or you clean frequently), ... that strikes me as a somewhat more plausible addition to the house than a feline (i totally like both, it's just the nature of the situation here)... but, still... probably not.

'Not remotely able to share the home with smokers. Not just "smoking", but smokers & the smell that lingers.
'Have significant sensitivity & thus aversion to fragrances & other smelly smells, so anything like that is out (check your "deoderant"... oxy-moronic, as it likely has added fragrance). Leave the scented candles, patchouli oil, & incense behind, or bagged-tight.
If you've been washing your belongings with typical detergents (most are perfumed ... you're likely just used to it), that would predictably present a problem that must be addrssed before you show up.
'Going for "scent-free" here at home, but not worried about what you do elsewhere so long as it thoroughly dissipates before your return.

Stoners should apply elsewhere ... occasional users, that's truly fine, but constant stoners?... ...nah. 'Need people "who show up and are present".

We're looking for engaged participation in sustainable & cooperative living, and not merely renting a room. 'Like to do a CSA share (or the Farmers Market) with a local farm in the summer months. We share groceries, gardening, meals, knowledge, insights, discoveries, stories, music, typical chores, atypical chores, & perhaps a few compensatable projects.
Do you like to live "autonomously"... do your own thing, 24x7 ? ...then this is not the place, we truly have to cooperate as a "team" here.

'Love to share meals! I try to eat mostly local, organic, & veg' in deference to the planet, but am nevertheless omnivorous. 'It may be challenging & definitely more fuss to share meals if, say (for intance), you're staunchly vegan* or have other significant dietary constraints. There's not enough space here for us to have separate "food stashes". We share!

* i certainly appreciate the concept with ~8 billion humans

Rent could be as little as $575 or $625 (ask $50 more for the larger of two bedrooms).
With only one housemate, rent is ~$125 higher, until such time as a 2nd (or really, 3rd, considering myself) housemate is procured.
There's a $150 "short-termer" up-front charge that gets refunded over the subsequent 6 months (in $25 increments), the idea being that it's hoped that you'll be around for the long-term to minimize transitional fuss.
Equitable partiticpation in chores is required, and appreciate that sustainability is a high-maintenance operation. But that's why rent is generally favorable. 'Can share a googleSheet of chores upon request. This ain't no B&B!
Utilities are included. Rooms are ~adequately furnished already, so don't plan to bring a ton of furnishings ... there's not much spare space to store your (nor my) additional stuff.
$750 security deposit for a human, to be collected (along with rent & other) before anyone moves in.

Availability is ~flexible. 'Patient & determined... please don't try to rush me/us into some sort of quick or hasty decision.

'Plenty of nitty-gritties to discuss, but this should suffice for now.
If my post here seems annoyingly detailed as it is ... sorry! Trying to get the bulk of it out of the way, so i'm not forgetting &/or repeating stuff. Thanks for your attentive reading thusfar.

'Appreciate sincere & thoughtful inquiries from folks who're looking-for or at least open-to this situation described.
Canned / generic inquiries will probably be obvious, and likely inadequate...
...please explain why you feel you're a good fit with what i've described above, and let me / us know what else might be considerations for you!


E-mail to:
The '+' is literal.

'Looking forward to meeting you... you're rare!