"Neighborhood Hitch-n-Pool"Or at least that's the best name that i've come up with so far. 'Open to better ones.![]() Also, since it's likely that regular/frequent hitchers & drivers may eventually perceive the commonality in their respective schedules, it's only natural that carpooling would evolve out of the program. To perhaps help incentivise drivers, we could explore the possibility of having tokens or something that hitchers can give to drivers... redeemable for say, fuel, coffee, bagles... etc.. We might also explore making the hitch-n-pool part of a "package" deal for neighborhoods. Other components of the package might include EcoPasses, membership in B-Cycle & eGo CarShare, etc.. OK, 'acknowledge that this is just a stop-gap measure... ultimately, of course, we need to move beyond cars. These folks have been doing "The Reg" in San Geronimo, CA (now a dead link!) for a while. Presently, their program has gone dormant because the area has more recently established excellent bus service that fairly well negates the need for it. 'Wonderful that they've left their website in place, "...in the hope of inspiring other communities...", like ours! Been there, done that:Attended TMP presentation, but didn't see good opportunity to inject my idea; 01/13/11 Bounce it off Krista Nordback & Graham Hill to see if they have any ideas to make it go; 03/14/11 Met with Chris Haglin, Catherine Sanders, Karen, Ellen Orleans, Scott McCarey, & Jared, 'was able to pitch it; 03/31/11 Established a non-profit org' to host the project:Foothills Sustainability Institute, FootSI.org (dead .org); 04/11 Put up {this} skeletal website; 04/18/11 Pulled a FootSI Advisory meeting together (sort-of); 06/01/11 Fell asleep at the wheel; 06/11 -> 09/11 Discussed in more depth with KarenW about potential "Fiscal Sponsorship"; 09/2X/11 Attended the Connected Mobility kick-off meeting, didn't get a chance to pitch it; 10/12/11 Dormant... Still to do:Draft some docs to pursue 501c3 "umbrella-ing" with the likes of eGo CarShare Develop website for info & participant registration (thinkin' RoR) Do a flyer to generate interest amongst neighbors... mostly a pointer to website Explore available grant monies to fund a pilot project (shouldn't need much) Use WagonwheelGap, BowMtn, & CarraigeHills (off base of Lee Hill Rd) for the pilot Then expand in perhaps a year to include Old Stage and higher reaches of Lee Hill, Left Hand, Ward, etc. Then expand to include other satellite areas of Boulder ... and beyond |